
The export of products to Africa has grown markedly in recent years thanks to the economic growth of several countries of the African continent. Carry out and export successfully to Africa requires knowledge and experience in different target countries.

In this sense, some of the regions that further economic growth are experiencing are West and Central Africa, where countries such as Cameroon, Togo, Equatorial Guinea or Gabon are taking advantage of their geographic location as a strategic entry point.

Africa is a very extensive and pushing continent, African and European entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs negotiate and develop fluid trade relations and exchanges that justify the existence of regular maritime and air transport services and specialized companies as is the case of Kanvel, daily we help entrepreneurs and African and Spaniard Entrepreneurs to make export shipments to Africa with total safety by commissioning us from all the logistics and documentary process for the transport of products and that their goods reach their destination successfully.

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Africa, a continent with great development potential

The African economy is immersed in development plans and reforms that make it a very interesting destination to export.

Demand of materials and infrastructures
Sectors such as construction materials, machinery, supplies, industry materials, mechanical equipment or medical equipment are some of the examples of companies that are already exporting to Africa for several years.
Young and growing population
Africa has the youngest population in the world: 200 million people between 15 and 24 years, which guarantees long-term sustained growth of the population as well as a dynamic domestic market.
Foreign investment
Companies from various countries in Asia, America and Europe, are settling in Africa and creating local companies in order to respond to the need for infrastructure and industrialization demanded by the continent. In this way, synergies are generated between foreign and local companies located in Africa.

Export services to Africa

Africa is a booming economy that provides opportunities for expansion and business for African and European entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs. In Kanvel we help you export your products to Africa with our International Maritime Transportation Services and Documentation and Customs Management.

We have extensive experience in international trade in addition to the infrastructure and equipment necessary for your export to Africa to be a success. If you want more information about this service, get in touch with us and we will advise you throughout the process.

Frequently asked questions about exporting to Africa

Why export to Africa?
This continent is the great opportunity of the 21st century according to many analysts for companies that seek to invest and expand due to the demand for infrastructure and lack of competition.
To what areas of Africa can you export?
The routes we carry out with our maritime transport is to the area of ​​West and Central Africa, however we can reach any country using regular complementary services.
What kind of products are exported to Africa?
In general, it is materials for infrastructure, machinery, supplies or equipment for all types of activities: hospital, industrial, hospitality, etc.

Get in touch and ensure the best export service to Africa

Get ahead of your competition and take advantage of this business opportunity. In Kanvel we help you expand your business into a new continent and take advantage of the synergies of a booming economy and foreign investment in the African continent.

[KANVEL LOGISTICS & BUSINESS WORLDWIDE informs you that the personal data you provide when you send us an email will be treated by KANVEL LOGISTICS & BUSINESS WORLDWIDE as responsible for this website. The purpose of collecting and processing the personal data you send us will only be used to manage the request made in your email. Legitimation: Consent of the interested party. As a user and interested I inform you that the data you provide will be located in the servers of Piensasolutions (hosting provider of KANVEL LOGISTICS & BUSINESS WORLDWIDE) within the EU, although some data are also stored in the United States. Thus, it is informed and gives its express consent for the treatment of the data by the company as well as for the cession for its treatment by third parties, and any other public and / or private bodies, with which it maintains legal-administrative relations, for the purpose for which they are requested. To exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation and cancellation of data you can go to KANVEL LOGISTICS & BUSINESS WORLDWIDE AAv. of Europe, 10, 28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain, tel: +34 912 905 016, info@kanvel.tracom.es attaching a copy of the document proving their identity, as well as the right to file a claim with a control authority. You can consult additional and detailed information about data protection in our privacy policy]

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