Groupage Shipping LCL is a service aimed at companies that have small quantities of product to import or export and do not need to hire a full container. Groupage (LCL) allows you to share the container with other exporters and importers and pay only for the space occupied in the container. They will be able to send their products to the United States, Canada, Mexico, Nigeria and any country in the world, at a very affordable price.

It is very common for companies to receive orders (export) or want to buy (import) products but they do not reach a sufficient quantity for the shipment to be profitable if a full container is contracted. This is where the figure of the groupage comes in, normally an international transport company, which allows SMEs and entrepreneurs who export or import to send their products efficiently and economically.

In recent years, maritime groupage transport (LCL) has grown enormously thanks to the rise of international trade and globalization. More and more companies are seeking to increase their profits in foreign markets and thanks to LCL SHIPMENT they are able to do so effectively.

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[KANVEL LOGISTICS & BUSINESS WORLDWIDE informs you that the personal data you provide when you send us an email will be treated by KANVEL LOGISTICS & BUSINESS WORLDWIDE as responsible for this website. The purpose of collecting and processing the personal data you send us will only be used to manage the request made in your email. Legitimation: Consent of the interested party. As a user and interested I inform you that the data you provide will be located in the servers of Piensasolutions (hosting provider of KANVEL LOGISTICS & BUSINESS WORLDWIDE) within the EU, although some data are also stored in the United States. Thus, it is informed and gives its express consent for the treatment of the data by the company as well as for the cession for its treatment by third parties, and any other public and / or private bodies, with which it maintains legal-administrative relations, for the purpose for which they are requested. To exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation and cancellation of data you can go to KANVEL LOGISTICS & BUSINESS WORLDWIDE AAv. of Europe, 10, 28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain, tel: +34 912 905 016, info@kanvel.tracom.es attaching a copy of the document proving their identity, as well as the right to file a claim with a control authority. You can consult additional and detailed information about data protection in our privacy policy]

Advantages of international groupage shipping in transport

The role of the groupage carrier is very widespread in international transport companies since it allows their clients to be able to make international shipments and purchases economically. Next, we review the main advantages of maritime groupage. .

Cost savings
This is the main benefit of groupage shipping. Without this solution, it would not be profitable to import or export products to a foreign market since the products would occupy only a small portion of the container and the company would have to pay for the entire shipment.
Related to the previous point, lower costs have a direct influence on the profitability of the products, either by having a higher margin or being able to set more competitive prices.
Having a highly capable groupage agent like Kanvel ensures you a wide variety of options when it comes to sending your products, being able to choose the option that best suits your needs.
By coordinating a large number of daily international shipments, we have a great availability of destinations, dates or methods to include your products in any of the shipments.
CO2 reduction
By unifying different goods in a single shipment, CO2 emissions emitted by means of transport are reduced, thus contributing to caring for the environment.
Globalized destinations
Due to the development of this industry, it is currently possible to find a quality groupage service, practically to and from anywhere in the world.

KANVEL: Trusted groupagers.

Kanvel is a leading company in the logistics and international transport sector with extensive experience. We have worldwide coverage through maritime, air and land transport services, as well as personalized attention that differentiates us from other companies in the sector.

As groupagers, we have extensive international transport solutions to help you achieve profitable freight shipping. If you want more information about our groupage service for company, contact us and we will help you find the solution that best suits your needs.

Frequently asked questions about groupage shipping /h2>

Is there a minimum order to import or export?
No, at Kanvel we adjust to your needs and offer you the solution that best suits your needs. We have a large number of daily shipments, so we have a high capacity for flexibility
In what types of transport can groupage be carried out?
Both in land and maritime transport, the groupage operator is present, although it is in maritime transport where it is more widespread and economical due to its global reach and the possibility of paying only for the space occupied in the container.
What type of products can be sent in international maritime groupage?
Any type of product (General cargo) that you wish to export or import and that, due to its measurements, fits in a container. However, if your product corresponds to dangerous or perishable goods or if they are excessively long or heavy products, contact us and we will find the best solution for your case.
Will my order arrive on time if I ship in groupage?
By having a large number of regular line services to practically any country in the world, transit times are quite tight, fulfilling the itinerary without major problem so that your product arrives on time.
Is it easy to hire an international groupage service?
Yes, we take care of everything and we inform you in advance of the fees, required documentation
Can I hire maritime groupage to bring goods to Spain from China, for example?
Yes, you only have to provide us with your provider's information and our offices at origin coordinate the entire logistics and documentation process. We will previously inform you of the costs of transport, customs, taxes and delivery to your address in Spain.

Start exporting and importing competitively, from one box!

Our groupage service allows individuals, entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized companies to export and import products from other markets in a competitive way. We have the equipment, infrastructure and experience as groupage operators to offer you the best possible service. With our freight transport company you will never have to worry about logistics and import or export problems for your products.

[KANVEL LOGISTICS & BUSINESS WORLDWIDE informs you that the personal data you provide when you send us an email will be treated by KANVEL LOGISTICS & BUSINESS WORLDWIDE as responsible for this website. The purpose of collecting and processing the personal data you send us will only be used to manage the request made in your email. Legitimation: Consent of the interested party. As a user and interested I inform you that the data you provide will be located in the servers of Piensasolutions (hosting provider of KANVEL LOGISTICS & BUSINESS WORLDWIDE) within the EU, although some data are also stored in the United States. Thus, it is informed and gives its express consent for the treatment of the data by the company as well as for the cession for its treatment by third parties, and any other public and / or private bodies, with which it maintains legal-administrative relations, for the purpose for which they are requested. To exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation and cancellation of data you can go to KANVEL LOGISTICS & BUSINESS WORLDWIDE AAv. of Europe, 10, 28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain, tel: +34 912 905 016, info@kanvel.tracom.es attaching a copy of the document proving their identity, as well as the right to file a claim with a control authority. You can consult additional and detailed information about data protection in our privacy policy]

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